Weeknotes № 23


Last week was WWDC week. Hard to miss, the Vision Pro was announced. I’m excited and worried about that device. I especially didn’t like the dad wearing the goggles to take videos of his kids. I already worry about myself (and others) using their phones and other devices too much when kids are around. You’re there but not really there. To me, this feels like an amazing device to use when I’m at home while everyone else is sleeping.

A whole bunch of new SwiftUI things got announced. Looks like some really solid improvements. I think the Metal shaders are going to be a lot of fun (Robb is already making cool stuff). The animation and state changes are very welcome, but will also require to rewrite major parts of our (almost finished) book. What makes this extra tricky is that of course, these APIs might still change until September.

For the book, we went through and identified most of the parts that will need to change (we’ll blog about this very soon). We went ahead and drew our book’s cover in SwiftUI (the cover changes with each edition). We then also generated the hero image (for the book’s page) in SwiftUI, as we couldn’t open the Sketch file anymore (we basically only use Sketch whenever we need to update that image). The hero image actually uses the generated PDF with the “live” book:

We’ll be releasing the book this week, keep an eye on our blog and mailing list to keep updated.

The weather has been amazing here and I went swimming in the lake with the kids almost every single day, which has been really fun for all of us.