Weeknotes № 46-47

London and Workshops

Here are the combined weeknotes for the last two weeks.

I visited my friend in London and met up with a bunch of friends. The NSLondon folks were nice enough to organize a drinks night, was great to see many old and new friends. London feels almost like the opposite of where we live (both in good and bad ways). One of my highlights was zipping through the streets in the dark rush hour on a rental E-bike (while being used to driving on the other side of the road). Felt dangerous but lots of fun.

I made more progress on the SwiftUI web port. I’m starting to write out explanations of modifiers and views. I think in a few weeks we can start on the design work as well. I think I’d like to do the HTML/CSS myself for this one. While I did do lots of front-end web development years ago, I feel quite out of touch with modern front-end development. There are so many new things! I like a lot of it, but the one thing I’m trying to avoid for as long as I can is all those dependencies (bundlers, npm packages, etc.).

We finished preparing two workshops (one in EST, one in PST, both in a single week). We also started some working on implementing the redesign of objc.io. This has been “ready” (that is, implemented in HTML/CSS) for over half a year, but we hadn’t gotten around to actually integrating it into our main website. So far, we only spent a day on this, but already made considerable progress.