Type Erasers in Swift

Two Ways of Implementing AnySomething

The following post is an excerpt from our book Advanced Swift. We just updated it to Swift 3, so this is a great time to buy it.

Sometimes, we can use a protocol as a standalone type. However, with a protocol like IteratorProtocol, this isn’t (yet) possible, because it has an associated type. The compile error says: “Protocol ‘IteratorProtocol’ can only be used as a generic constraint because it has Self or associated type requirements.”

struct ConstantIterator: IteratorProtocol {
    mutating func next() -> Int? {
        return 1

let iterator: IteratorProtocol = ConstantIterator() // Error

In a way, IteratorProtocol used as a type is incomplete; we’d have to specify the associated type as well in order for this to be meaningful.

The Swift Core Team has stated that they want to support generalized existentials . This feature would allow for using protocols with associated types as standalone values, and it would also eliminate the need to write type erasers. For more information about what to expect in the future, see the Swift Generics Manifesto.

In a future version of Swift, we might be able to solve this by saying something like the following:

let iterator: Any<IteratorProtocol where .Element == Int> = ConstantIterator()

Currently, we can’t yet express this. We can, however, use IteratorProtocol as a constraint for a generic parameter:

func nextInt<I: IteratorProtocol>(iterator: inout I) -> Int?
    where I.Element == Int {
        return iterator.next()

Similarly, we can store an iterator in a class or struct. The limitation is the same, in that we can only use it as a generic constraint, and not as a standalone type:

class IteratorStore<I: IteratorProtocol> where I.Element == Int {
    var iterator: I

    init(iterator: I) {
        self.iterator = iterator

This works, but it has a drawback: the specific type of the stored iterator “leaks out” through the generic parameter. In the current type system, we can’t express “any iterator, as long as the element type is Int.” This is a problem if you want to, for example, put multiple IteratorStores into an array. All elements in an array must have the same type, and that includes any generic parameters; it’s not possible to create an array that can store both IteratorStore<ConstantIterator> and IteratorStore<FibsIterator>.

Luckily, there are two ways around this — one is easy, the other one more efficient (but hacky). The process of removing a specific type (such as the iterator) is called type erasure .

In the easy solution, we implement a wrapper class. Instead of storing the iterator directly, the class stores the iterator’s next function. To do this, we must first copy the iterator parameter to a var variable so that we’re allowed to call its next method (which is mutating). We then wrap the call to next() in a closure expression and assign that closure to a property. We used a class to signal that IntIterator has reference semantics:

class IntIterator {
    var nextImpl: () -> Int?

    init<I: IteratorProtocol>(_ iterator: I) where I.Element == Int {
        var iteratorCopy = iterator
        self.nextImpl = { iteratorCopy.next() }

Now, in our IntIterator, the specific type of the iterator (e.g. ConstantIterator) is only specified when creating a value. After that, the specific type is hidden, captured by the closure. We can create an IntIterator with any kind of iterator, as long as the elements are integers:

var iter = IntIterator(ConstantIterator())
iter = IntIterator([1,2,3].makeIterator())

The code above allows us to specify the associated type constraints (e.g. iter contains an iterator with Int elements) using Swift’s current type system. Our IntIterator can also easily conform to the IteratorProtocol (and the inferred associated type is Int):

extension IntIterator: IteratorProtocol {
    func next() -> Int? {
        return nextImpl()

In fact, by abstracting over Int and adding a generic parameter, we can change IntIterator to work just like AnyIterator does:

class AnyIterator<A>: IteratorProtocol {
    var nextImpl: () -> A?

    init<I: IteratorProtocol>(_ iterator: I) where I.Element == A {
        var iteratorCopy = iterator
        self.nextImpl = { iteratorCopy.next() }

    func next() -> A? {
        return nextImpl()

The specific iterator type (I) is only specified in the initializer, and after that, it’s “erased.”

From this refactoring, we can come up with a simple algorithm for creating a type eraser. First, we create a struct or class named AnyProtocolName. Then, for each associated type, we add a generic parameter. Finally, for each method, we store the implementation in a property on AnyProtocolName.

For a simple protocol like IteratorProtocol, this only takes a few lines of code, but for more complex protocols (such as Sequence), this is quite a lot of work. Even worse, the size of the object or struct will increase linearly with each protocol method (because a new closure is added for each method).

The standard library takes a different approach to erasing types. We start by creating a simple class that conforms to IteratorProtocol. Its generic type is the Element of the iterator, and the implementation will simply crash:

class IteratorBox<A>: IteratorProtocol {
    func next() -> A? {
        fatalError("This method is abstract.")

Then, we create another class, IteratorBoxHelper, which is also generic. Here, the generic parameter is the specific iterator type (for example, ConstantIterator). The next method simply forwards to the next method of the underlying iterator:

class IteratorBoxHelper<I: IteratorProtocol> {
    var iterator: I
    init(iterator: I) {
        self.iterator = iterator

    func next() -> I.Element? {
        return iterator.next()

Now for the hacky part. We change IteratorBoxHelper so that it’s a subclass of IteratorBox, and the two generic parameters are constrained in such a way that IteratorBox gets I’s element as the generic parameter:

class IteratorBoxHelper<I: IteratorProtocol>: IteratorBox<I.Element> {
    var iterator: I
    init(_ iterator: I) {
        self.iterator = iterator

    override func next() -> I.Element? {
        return iterator.next()

This allows us to create a value of IteratorBoxHelper and use it as an IteratorBox, effectively erasing the type of I:

let iter: IteratorBox<Int> = IteratorBoxHelper(ConstantIterator())

In the standard library, the IteratorBox and IteratorBoxHelper are then made private, and yet another wrapper (AnyIterator) makes sure that these implementation details are hidden from the public interface.

In my (limited) testing, I found that the struct version of AnyIterator was about 10% faster (I’m not exactly sure why, probably because of less indirection). I started a topic on the swift-dev mailing list, but I’m not sure if anyone is taking it and making the change. If anyone reading this feels like proposing that change (and thoroughly testing performance), go ahead!