Weeknotes № 7


This week I mostly spent coordinating the house renovation, and doing lots of odd jobs. We had to take down a very old ceiling (not sure if it was the original ceiling from when the house was built) consisting of plaster, reed matting, and boards, ending up with just the ceiling joists. The next day, we covered the spaces in between the ceiling joists with drywall, which turned out really nice!

We also cleaned up almost everything in the house, because next week the plastering company will start and they need a completely empty space. To move stuff over (from our current house to the basement of the new place) I borrowed a trailer and drove my car with a trailer for the first time in my life (so far, it went fine).

Yesterday, the windows were finally installed. We had the holes cut out months ago, and since then, the place has been pretty dark. Now we finally have light! It actually makes an immense difference, things are finally starting to look a bit more like the result we had in mind.

Work-wise, I worked on some backend stuff for our workshop app, did the bookkeeping (we do this using ledger) and chatted with a bunch of people. Next week we’ll finally start writing again, really looking forward to that.