Weeknotes № 21


When I started, I managed to write weekly weeknotes, then the schedule changed to bi-weekly weeknotes and now it’s been three weeks. I’ve had a pretty busy few weeks behind me with preparing and teaching workshops, preparing my talk at One More Thing, national holidays, sick kids and other life things.

My talk will be about animations in SwiftUI, and together with Juul and Nick we’re designing and implementing some (hopefully) very helpful visualizations. Because most of my work stuff feeds back into each other, we’ll be able to use this for the talk, during the workshops and hopefully on the SwiftUI Field Guide as well.

During the preparations I realized a new way to debug animations in SwiftUI that lets you stop an animation at any point in time. Florian and me recorded an episode about this.

Over the last years, and specifically over the last weeks I continued upgrading my home video conferencing setup. I use a DSLR with a teleprompter to have a good image quality while being able to look directly at the camera. I invested in an overhead microphone with an external audio interface. Rather than attaching all devices to my desk (as I’ve done previously) I now moved my camera, lights and microphone to be wall attached. This gives me a video feed that doesn’t shake as I type.

It’ll be a busy few next weeks in between workshops and visiting the bay area, but I’m looking forward to some “downtime” after that so I can get back to improving the Field Guide.