Weeknotes № 41


As we are now tied to the school holidays, we made the best off of a few consecutive days off and went to the Netherlands to visit family last week. I did not bring my bike and went for a single bike ride on a mountain bike (on the completely flat roads). I did go for my first run in months, which was awesome. It was much harder than I remember running to be and I definitely had all kinds of soreness, but my injury didn’t get any worse.

I worked a bit on my presentation for Pragma Conference. Really looking forward to meeting everyone there as well as giving my talk. Because it’s the end of the year, all of a sudden we had a bunch of workshop requests, most of which are still not fully confirmed. Even though there’s just one quarter left, it’s not possible to tell whether the end of this year will be extremely busy or not.

I also spent last week rewriting some of the internals of my typing recorder. It’s now a little easier for me to edit mistakes. This doesn’t work perfectly yet and there’s always a possibility of an edit breaking the entire document. I should probably at the very least implement undo and redo.