Finding My Most Influential Twitter Followers

I spent an afternoon trying to find out who of my Twitter followers is the most influential. I wrote the script to fetch the data in Ruby, and stored the data in MongoDB.


First, we’ll need to set up some things. Make sure you have a recent version of Ruby installed, and install the following gems:

gem install twitter mongo bson_ext

Although the bson_ext isn’t really necessary, it will make things a bit faster.

Also install mongodb. One of the easier ways to do this is usinghomebrew:

brew install mongodb

Make sure to fire up mongodb, and we’re all set on the client.

The last step is to get an API key at Twitter. Go to and create a new application. Don’t worry about the details too much.

Fetching a list of Twitter follower IDs

First, we will write a file called twitter-config.rb:

Twitter.configure do |config|
  config.consumer_key = 'CONSUMER_KEY'
  config.consumer_secret = 'CONSUMER_SECRET'
  config.oauth_token = 'OAUTH_TOKEN'
  config.oauth_token_secret = 'O_AUTH_TOKEN_SECRET'

Make sure to replace the right-hand sides by the appropriate values (they should match the twitter application you just created).

The script for fetching your Twitter follower ids is now extremely simple:

require 'rubygems'
require 'twitter'
require 'twitter-config.rb'

follower_ids = Twitter.follower_ids"followers", 'w') { |f| 

We are just using the Twitter API to fetch the follower ids and store them in a file. The last part is essential when working with APIs and larger datasets: make sure you store intermediate results. Often, computations can take a long time, and by storing intermediate results you can resume where you’ve left off.

Write the script to fetch the data

Again, this script is very simple. We iterate over the list of followers, and make the corresponding Twitter API call. One thing to note here is that you will hit the rate limit if you have more than 350 followers. Therefore, the script checks if you already have fetched the data for a follower, and skips fetching the data. If you hit the rate limit, simply wait some minutes and run the script again. Eventually, it will finish.

require 'rubygems'
require 'twitter'
require 'database-config.rb'
require 'twitter-config.rb'"followers").each_line {|follower_id_s| 
  follower_id = follower_id_s.to_i

  if COLL.find("id" => follower_id).count > 0 then
    puts "Already have data for #{follower_id}"
    puts "Fetching data for #{follower_id}"
    follower_hash = Twitter.user(follower_id).attrs
    COLL.insert follower_hash

The database-config.rb file looks like this:

require 'mongo'

connection =
db ="twitterinsight")
COLL = db.collection("followers")

It sets up a global variable COLL that you can use in the scripts for analyzing and populating the database.

Analyze the data

Once you have filled your database with data, you can analyze it by running queries on it. The reason I wrote this code is because I wanted to know who my most influential followers were:

require 'rubygems'
require 'database-config.rb'

  sort(['followers_count', :desc]).
  limit(50). { |x| 
  ratio = (100 * (x['friends_count'].to_f / 
  statuses = x['statuses_count']
  puts "#{x['screen_name']} - " +
       "#{x['followers_count']} / #{x['friends_count']}" +
       ", #{ratio} [#{statuses}] @ #{x['location']}" 

As you can see, this script prints the screen name, number of followers, number of friends, the friends/followers ratio, the amount they tweet and the location. Here’s some example output:

copumpkin - 22397 / 368, 1 [3597] @ Boston, MA
DotSauce - 15641 / 12400, 79 [7377] @ NC, USA
dominiek - 14487 / 1085, 7 [5342] @ AMS, SFO, TYO
TivoliUtrecht - 10935 / 442, 4 [3950] @ Utrecht, The Netherlands
theSeanCook - 10006 / 1137, 11 [2345] @ San Francisco
Duetschpire - 8194 / 584, 7 [2112] @ Australia
Polledemaagt - 7518 / 2563, 34 [37721] @ Gent, London, Amsterdam
NetBlueWeb - 6651 / 5520, 82 [9] @ British Columbia
andreisavu - 6648 / 6497, 97 [11496] @ Bucharest, Romania
StackMob - 5571 / 1835, 32 [1015] @ SF