Lighter UIViewControllers

Recently, I’ve been a bit obsessed with writing simpler code. It happened because I passed on some projects to other programmers. I would like to feel minimally embarrassed when doing so.

In the projects I’ve taken over from other people, one of the most common problems is that view controller code is big and complicated. In this article, we’ll look at some ways to make the view controller smaller and thus simpler. In a project I’m working on currently, we have about 150 classes, and almost none of them is larger than 100 lines. The ones that are larger than that are on the top of my refactoring list.

Separate out UITableViewDataSource and UITableViewDelegate

One of the first things I often do is create a separate class for the tableView’s data source and delegate. Just create a new class, take all the methods that start with tableView: and put them in there. The compiler will then show you which things are missing in that class (e.g. instance variables), and you pass them on. Then you can remove them from the view controller.

Don’t do domain logic

Most of my apps are backed by a Core Data stack (but this is true for any kind of data store). I Try to do as little domain logic as possible. For Core Data, my favorite trick is to add a category to the generated models where I put my logic. For example, instead of doing this in your view controller:

- (Department*)getRootDepartment:(Department*)department {
  if(department.parent == nil) return department;
  return [self getRootDepartment:department.parent];

Do this in Department+Extensions.m:

- (Department*)rootDepartment {
  if(self.parent == nil) return self;
  return [self rootDepartment];

Even for small methods like this, it helps a lot to keep your view controllers small. You also have the added benefit that it’s much easier to reuse this code.

Don’t do webservice logic

Don’t call and parse a webservice request in your view controller.

I always create a separate set of classes that do the dealing with webservices. It depends how complicated your webservice / persistency is, but I mostly have a class called Webservice that gives you high-level methods to call the webservice. Either the methods accept callbacks or I use KVO (more about that later). It uses the “fire and forget” approach: you tell the webservice that you want something and then forget, assume it will get back to you at some point.

The webservice class calls the API and turns the API results into domain objects. This functionality is often achieved by multiple classes that are used by the webservice, but that’s a topic for a later post.

Don’t create complicated view hierarchies

Don’t set up complicated view hierarchies in your view controller. Personally, I’m a big fan of designing my views in a nib/xib/storyboard. But even if you don’t, I think it’s better to compose several views into a new view. For example, if you want a date slider, it’s better to create the view hierarchy for that (the labels at the axes, a label representing the current date and the UISlider) in a separate class.

Create child view controllers

Since iOS 5, it’s very easy to create child view controllers. Use this functionality. It makes your life easier. This is mostly useful for iPad apps, but might be useful for iPhone apps as well. A classical example of this is the split view, but in any screen where you have components that are almost independent it might be useful.


Key value observing can make your life a lot easier. It’s also a bit tricky sometimes, so you do need to spend some time to learn it, and you will probably make some mistakes (I still get tripped up every now and then).

One example where KVO really shines is the NSFetchedResultsController. It listens to changes in core data objects and can be used to implement aUITableViewDataSource or UICollectionViewDataSource.

For example, suppose you have a list of Departments. Then you want to refresh that list from the API. In your view controller, you fire a off a request like[webservice reloadDepartments] and then forget. Once the webservice updates the Core Data managed objects, magic happens: Because you implemented yourUITableViewDataSource using an NSFetchedResultsController, it gets refreshed automatically.

KVO by itself can be a bit hairy sometimes, and there are small libraries likeTHObserversAndBinders that make things easier.

Other ideas?

This is just a list of things that I could come up with and common refactorings I use. I’m sure there are a lot of things I forgot, let me know your tips and I’ll add them to the article.